Giving and Generosity

We encourage everyone at Dickson Baptist to develop an attitude of generosity and a habit of regular financial giving. The Bible gives us many reasons to give financially. The ancient Israelites were encouraged to give back their first fruits of their harvest in thankfulness for God’s provision. We are encouraged to be faithful stewards of what God has given us by using it for his kingdom. Jesus teaches us that where our treasure is, there our heart is, and so how we use our money is an indication of our trust in him and love for him. When Paul encourages the early church to give to the work of ministry, he reminds them of the example of Jesus:

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

Because we have been made spiritually rich through his sacrifice, we are grateful, and want to be generous so that others can come to know Him as well.  

The financial resources that we have as a congregation are an important tool for our ministry together. They allow us to employ people for ministry, provide resources for our ministry, support global mission efforts in other countries, and maintain facilities that allow our ministry to function well. We encourage everyone to give generously to fund and grow the ministry. 

Thank you for supporting our ministry with your generosity

Ways to Give

There are a few ways to give financially to support Dickson Baptist:

Giving Electronically:

Our strong preference is for you to make a direct deposit with your financial institution. This ensures that we receive the full amount that you are giving. Offerings can be made to: 



Giving in Cash:

Cash offerings can be made in person via the offering box at the rear of the church. 


Giving by Credit Card:

Credit card offerings can be made via the button below. 

Please note that a fee of 1.9% + 30c is applied.  There is an option to ‘cover the fees’ which you can consider, but please be aware that this increases your donation by the fee amount.